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作者:宁先圣 胡…  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2010/2/26 13:53:28  文章录入:21cpmzhang  责任编辑:21cpmzhang

d Engineers' Ethical Obligation

  NING Xiansheng1, HU Yan2

  (1 School of Humanities and Law, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110168, China; 2 School of Foreign Languages, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110168, China)

  Abstract:Engineers, as the integral part of any engineering projects, will certainly face various ethic issues all the way in their practice Engineering morality plays the role crucial to every engineer in regulating the ethical relations between engineering, technology and society, thus affecting greatly the behavior of engineers and engineering quality to normalize and guide them Engineers are supposed to abide by their professional integrity, covering such principles as people first, love and care of life, safety/reliability, environmental friendliness and equality/justice Therefore, engineers' social obligations are deeply concerned with human future and fortune Engineers are expected to be aware of their social consciousness and bear full responsibility for all relevant consequences As to the reform and development of higher engineering education, strengthening and improving the engineering morality education is an imperative task to which the related courses should be offered effectively

  Key words:engineer; engineering ethics; morality; ethic obligation

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